AH - Avoyelles Hospital
AH stands for Avoyelles Hospital
Here you will find, what does AH stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Avoyelles Hospital? Avoyelles Hospital can be abbreviated as AH What does AH stand for? AH stands for Avoyelles Hospital. What does Avoyelles Hospital mean?Avoyelles Hospital is an expansion of AH
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Alternative definitions of AH
- American History
- Authentication Header
- Attack Helicopter
- Ampere Hours
- Attack Helicopter
- Affordable Housing
- Attack Helicopter
- Andy Hilfiger
View 235 other definitions of AH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- ACTDHCC ACT Department of Health and Community Care
- AC Adelaide Clinic
- ACHC Adelong Community Health Centre
- ANH Adelphi Nursing Home
- ACV Aged Care Victoria
- AHNH Agmaroy Hospital Nursing Home
- ACH Albany Community Hospice
- AH Albany Hospital
- APCS Albany Palliative Care Service
- ASCNA Albany Silver Chain Nursing Association
- ARC Albert Road Clinic
- ABH Albury Base Hospital
- ACHC Albury Community Health Centre
- AMH Albury Mercy Hospital
- AWPH Albury Wodonga Private Hospital
- AAANO Alcoholics Anonymous Australia - National Office
- ACNH Alfred Carson Nursing Home
- APH Allamanda Private Hospital